Pigsback.com unveils Dating Zone.
TELECOMWORLDWIRE-5 October 2005-Pigsback.com unveils Dating Zone(C)1994-2005 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD http://www.m2.com
The 'Dating Zone' has been unveiled by Pigsback.com, a reward-based consumer website, in conjunction with DatingDirect.com, an online dating website in the UK, to provide an online dating community for Pigsback members.
The Dating Zone will enable Pigsback members to post personal profiles, enter competitions, view dating content and nominate themselves as the 'Date of the Week'. Pigsback will promote the community on its site and through personalised e-mails and hopes to generate increased return on investment from the new service.
DatingDirect.com, which claims over 2m active UK members, will provide a co-branded dating service to the Pigsback website for an initial six-month period. Pigsback said it will encourage members to use the Dating Zone using its Empathy Marketing principles.
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