7th Internet Dating Conference To Be Held February 1-2, 2006 in Miami, Florida.

NEW YORK, Oct. 12 /PRNewswire/ -- Ticonderoga Ventures, Inc. announces the seventh Online Dating Conference, to be held on February 1-2, 2006 in Miami at the Wyndham Miami Beach Resort.

Online personals, which includes both online dating and social networking, continues to be one of the fastest growing online businesses.

7th Internet Dating Conference To Be Held February 1-2, 2006 in Miami, Florida.The 7th Conference and expo will focus on management, technology and marketing for the industry. Mobile dating, cultural marketing, event planning, metrics, advertising strategies and software will be discussed at this event. The Miami event will also have a panel session with several market analysts to discuss and debate the actual market size of the industry.

Attending the event will be senior executives from all aspects of the internet dating industry and social networking industry, as well as marketing firms, telecommunication firms, software companies, affiliate managers, affiliates of singles related sites and entrepreneurs.

Similar to the last Miami event, the company projects this to be the largest gathering of industry executives ever.